Monday, Monday

As we inch closer to the beginning of our summer and the end of preschool, my self doubt begins to surface. And while we are firm in our decision to do preschool at home next year, I can’t help but second guess myself. I have been thinking, how am I going to possibly have enough time to teach Lucas everything he needs to learn? And if I do this the next year, how will I keep up with the “required learning skills” that the schools teach? I don’t have multiple hours a day to devote solely to one child. What about Nathan? He needs so much stimulation as well. Will the boys be able to work together? Will I run myself crazy carving out time for all the things we need to do? And when/if we have another baby, my time will be even less. How am I going to do this?
But the more I think about it, the more I realize, I don’t need designated hours every day. In fact, I probably need less than an hour a day at this point, as long as I am committed to teaching them, and have kids who want to learn. And Lucas does want to learn, so much that he fires questions at me ALL. DAY. LONG. The question is, how do I make sure he never loses that desire?
But that is for another day…
Last week was a bit crazy. The boys have had colds. I got one too. Then Ryan. Chores were piling up. Next, our fridge was left open overnight, over $100 of groceries went in the trash. We quickly realized the fridge was no longer cooling properly, and after three days of no cold food and lots of attempts to fix it, we ended up with a new one. This week is looking better already – a nice day with my boys today, gardening, mini golf, and the discovery of gluten free sandwiches at our favorite pizza place. 🙂 I’m happy, and ready to tackle the week!
Happy Monday Friends!
Cindy @ This Adventure, Our Life
Sorry to hear about your fridge! I hate when that stuff happens!! Cross my fingers, ours has not gone out… I really think in everything you do you can teach your boys, both of them, and honestly Nathan will be smarter for that! You can also find a sitter for an hour or two here and there to play with Nathan (I will always do it and I am sure grandparents will) while you spend time with Lucas one on one… I have my cousin coming to play with Bailey once a week for 3 hours while I sew 🙂 It is fairly inexpensive and will give me a little time to complete some more tasks. You will find a way because I know your heart is there!! We miss you guys, call sometime soon 🙂 when you are free! Way to go with your positive attitude for the week! I need some here, LOL
Oh that is so great that you have some help, I need to get more serious about something like that too. Great idea!
I’m still up for doing some sort of preschool share next year! You are not alone!
Thanks Heather! Let’s talk soon!
I hope this years preschool goes well for you! Don’t put a lot of pressure on yourself- he probably needs 30 minutes of one on one time and LOTS of reading books to him and LOTS of discovery in everyday life! I hope you love it! I didnt start doing school at home till I had a Kindergartener- by the end of the year he HAD learned things…I don’t know how but he did 😉 Good luck!